Vocal Music

2024-2025 Theme Verse 

"Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, He is God! It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture."

Psalm 100:2-3 (ESV)


Music Department Mission Statement:

The CLHS Music Department shares God's gift of music, strives towards choral and instrumental excellence, and fosters each student to become a cooperative creative artist.

Recent Successes


TAPPS 6A Overall State Vocal Champions

2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


TAPPS 5A Overall State Vocal Champions

2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016


TAPPS 6A Overall State Vocal Runner-Up

2017, 2018, 2019


Performing Ensembles


Concert Choir

Concordia’s premier vocal ensemble, this 73-voice select SATB choir meets during 4th period four times a week.  Admission into the ensemble is by audition only. The Concert Choir performs quality choral music at numerous concerts, chapels, and competitions throughout the year.


Chamber Choir

The Chamber Choir is an advanced 16-voice select SATB extracurricular vocal ensemble. Students selected into the Chamber Choir must be a member of the Concert Choir. Auditions are held at the beginning of each year. Four members from each vocal section (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass) are represented in this advanced ensemble. The Chamber Choir rehearses twice a week before school and performs high quality choral music at numerous concerts, chapels, community events, and competitions throughout the year.


Men’s Chorus

The Men’s Chorus consists of all males participating in the Concert Choir. Currently, this 34-voice all-male vocal ensemble rehearses during 4th period when needed. Membership in Concert Choir is required to be in Men’s Chorus.  The Men’s Chorus performs quality choral music at the Christmas and Spring Concerts as well as the TAPPS State Competition.


Women’s Chorale

The Women’s Chorale consists of all females participating in the Concert Choir. Currently, this 39-voice all-female vocal ensemble rehearses during 4th period when needed. Membership in Concert Choir is required to be in Women’s Chorale. The Women’s Chorale performs quality choral music at the Christmas and Spring Concerts as well as the TAPPS State Competition.


Treble Choir

The Treble Choir is a non-audition ensemble consisting of mainly incoming 9th grade female singers and beginning choir singers from 10th-11th grades.  The goal of this ensemble is to teach the members the basics and fundamentals of reading music and proper choral singing, with the eventual goal of auditioning for the Concert Choir during the spring. The Treble Choir performs quality choral music twice a year with the Concert Choir at the Christmas and Pops Concerts.



  • Four major concerts per year
  • Chapel performances at local elementary schools
  • Singing in worship services at local churches
  • Performing in joint concerts with collegiate ensembles
    • Concordia University Irvine (March 2016)
    • Concordia University Nebraska (March 2018, 2022)
    • Sam Houston State University (September 2018)
  • Honor Choir audition opportunities:
    • Private School (TPSMEA) All-State Choir
    • National Honor Choir at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska
  • TAPPS State Competition Trip each April